Shadow Alchemy: Awareness, Activation, and Integration is an immersive workshop designed to guide participants through a transformative journey of shadow work, discovering secrets of the self that are beyond conscious awareness.

Through powerful meditations, personal reflections, archetypal exploration, and dynamic video lessons, this workshop illuminates the hidden parts of the self—both the "golden" gifts and the darker shadows. Participants will engage in energetic activation through bodywork and breathwork, alongside journal prompts and affirmations, to deepen the process of reclaiming and integrating all aspects of themselves.

Guided by the principles of energetic law, curiosity of self, and radical self-acceptance, this workshop will activate dormant energy, allowing you to not only embrace your authentic self but also stand in your magnetic power.

What's Inside?

Part 1: Awareness of Shadow
Begin your journey by discovering the hidden aspects of yourself that have shaped your behavior and responses. Through personal reflections and exploration, you’ll shine light on what’s been hidden in the shadows.

Part 2: Identifying the Shadow
Dive deep into the identities you’ve created to survive, peeling back layers of conditioning to reveal your true essence. Understand how your shadow was shaped and what aspects of yourself you’ve rejected.

Part 3: Activation of Shadow Energies
Reclaim your power through body-centered techniques and breathwork. This part of the journey focuses on awakening and activating the energy stored in your shadow, allowing it to serve your growth.

Part 4: Integration of the Shadow
Use the Law of Polarity to harmonize the duality of your being. By integrating both the light and dark aspects, you’ll learn to embody all of yourself with balance and grace.

Part 5: The Golden Shadow
Discover the gifts and strengths hidden within your shadow. This part explores how the traits you’ve rejected may hold the keys to your greatest potential and deepest self-expression.

Part 6: Welcoming All of Self Home Meditation
Integrate all parts of yourself through a heart-opening meditation designed to bring you back to wholeness. This meditative practice will help you embrace your full spectrum of emotions and traits.

Part 7: Ho’oponopono - Total Love
Cleanse and heal your relationship with yourself and others through the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. This powerful practice invites forgiveness, acceptance, and love for yourself and those around you.