Are you tired of feeling overlooked, constantly seeking validation, and struggling to put yourself first in life and relationships? Are you done with getting ghosted and repeating relationship patterns that go nowhere? Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of neediness, codependency, people pleasing, and always chasing after what you desire but never quite grasping it?

You have so much more creative control over your life than you think. If you're living like this, you don't have to continue on in this way.

You can shift yourself and therefore shift your life.

You are here for a reason. That reason is you are ready to claim what has always been yours, your pedestal.

Welcome to the Pedestal Path, a transformative course designed to empower you to put yourself back on your throne, your pedestal. Based on the groundbreaking "Pedestal Principle," this course will guide you on a journey of self discovery, empowerment, and magnetic attraction.

The pedestal path will lead you to your most magnetic timeline, where you will be able to attract anything and anyone.

This Course Will Take You Through FIVE Distinct Pillars:

#1 Preparing Your Pedestal

First you'll gain a profound understanding of how the energetic Universe works. This includes learning the Law of Reversed Action, and of course the Pedestal Principle. You'll gain access to the energetic keys and therefore be able to transform your life.

#2 Taking Them Off Your Pedestal

You'll free yourself from the disempowering patterns of placing others above yourself. You will discover how to let go of unhealthy energetic dynamics and create healthy boundaries to honor your worth.

#3 Balancing Your Sacral Chakra

You'll unlock the energy center responsible for self-expression, creativity, confidence, and healthy relationships. Gaining access to a powerful technique to harmonize your sacral chakra, you will pave the way for a balanced and fullfling identity.

#4 Claiming Your Pedestal

Embrace your authentic self and step into your true power with tools to refocus on you. You will unleash your inner magnetism and attract the right people and opportunities effortlessly.

#5 Remaining On Your Pedestal

Maintain your newfound confidence and self-assurance with videos to motivate and remind you while you travel through life experiences. You will sustain your magnetic presence and attract what you desire.

Enter Your Most Magnetic Timeline

Finally you'll enter your most magnetic timeline, attract what you desire rather than chase, feel at ease rather than stressed, and allow all your blessings to flood your life!

The Pedestal Path is For You If:

(1) You Feel Overlooked and Undervalued: If you often find yourself feeling unseen and unappreciated in both personal and professional settings, "The Pedestal Path" can help you regain the recognition and respect you deserve.

(2) You Crave Healthy Relationships: If you desire to cultivate meaningful, loving connections with others, but seem to attract toxic or one-sided relationships, this course will guide you towards building healthier dynamics.

(3) You Struggle with Self-Confidence: If self-doubt and insecurity hold you back from reaching your full potential, "The Pedestal Path" offers powerful tools to boost your confidence and embrace your authentic self.

(4) You Seek Authenticity: If you're tired of wearing masks to fit in and yearn for a life where you can be true to yourself without fear of judgment, this course will empower you to embrace your genuine essence.

(5) You Want to Attract Opportunities: If you find yourself constantly chasing after opportunities and success, but they seem just out of reach, "The Pedestal Path" will show you how to attract abundance effortlessly.

(6) You Wish To Let Go of Limiting Beliefs: If past beliefs and experiences hinder your present life, this course will assist you in releasing limiting beliefs and attracting better vibrational experiences.

(7) You're Ready to Reclaim Your Power: If you're eager to break free of your anxiety, and balance your energy body, "The Pedestal Path," will help you ground yourself so you can make intuitive based decisions that will have you living in alignment.

(8) You Want To Shift Your Self-Concept: If you feel lost, or have a negative perception of yourself, the "Pedestal Path," will help you release your old identity and create a new empowered identity rooted in confidence.

(9) You Seek Personal Growth: If you're on a journey of self-discovery and personal development, "The Pedestal Path" offers profound insights and practical techniques to accelerate your growth.

(10) You Aspire to Be Magnetic and Confident: If you dream of walking into a room and captivating everyone with your magnetic presence, exuding confidence, and attracting positive energy, this course will help you achieve just that.

It's Your Time

Imagine a life where you are the subject of your story, where your needs are met, and where you attract the love, respect, and success you deserve. Say goodbye to being ghosted and overlooked, and step into a life of abundance and fulfillment.

Are you ready to take the first step on this empowering journey? Join "The Pedestal Path" now and reclaim your life, your power, and your destiny. Embrace the pedestal principle and watch as the world places you at the center of it all. Act now, and unlock a future where you attract rather than chase, and where your dreams become your reality.

Enroll in "The Pedestal Path" today and become the magnetic force that shapes your life and the world around you. Don't wait any longer – your pedestal is waiting for you!

Why Choose The Pedestal Path?

"The Pedestal Path" is more than just a course; it's a life-altering journey towards unlocking your full potential and becoming a magnetic force in every aspect of your life. Here's what you'll gain:

🧲 Unlocked Magnetic Energy: "The Pedestal Path" empowers you to radiate an irresistible aura that draws others to you like a magnet. Embrace your authentic self and amplify your positive energy, making you captivating and unforgettable in any room you enter.

πŸ’ͺ Awakened Confidence: Say goodbye to self-doubt and embrace unshakable confidence. Through transformative exercises and empowering insights, this course will elevate your self-esteem, allowing you to face life's challenges with unwavering assurance.

πŸ’‘ Increased Potential Love Partners: As you reclaim your pedestal, you'll naturally attract a multitude of potential love partners who resonate with your newfound magnetism and self-assuredness. Say hello to a world of exciting possibilities and meaningful connections.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Balanced Sacral Chakra: "The Pedestal Path" offers a transformative journey to align and balance your sacral chakra, the energy center responsible for creativity, passion, and emotional well-being.

✨A Relationship to Self & Shifted Self Concept: You'll gain clarity on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. As you learn more about yourself, you'll make conscious choices that lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

🀝 Healthy Relationships: Learn to set boundaries, prioritize self-love, and foster healthy dynamics in all your relationships. "The Pedestal Path" guides you to create mutual, respectful connections that enrich your life and empower those around you.

🌌 Master Manifesting Abilities: Unlock the art of manifestation and harness the Law of Reversed Action to manifest your dreams into reality. "The Pedestal Path" will guide you in honing your position on your pedestal to attract, rather than chase your desires.

And so much more...

πŸŽ“ What's Included in "The Pedestal Path" πŸŽ“

πŸ“š Two In-Depth Master Classes (2 Hours Each): Dive deep into the core principles of the Pedestal Principle with our expert instructor CiiCii. Discover the step-by-step roadmap to reposition yourself as the subject of your own life, enabling you to attract abundance, love, and success effortlessly.

πŸ“ Downloadable Workbooks: Facilitate deeper self-reflection and internalization of the course material with our carefully crafted workbooks. Uncover hidden beliefs, release self-doubt, and build unshakable confidence as you progress through the course.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Sacral Chakra Meditation: Tap into the transformative power of your sacral chakra, the energy center responsible for self-expression and healthy relationships. Our guided meditation will help you transmute energy, reclaim your power, and set the stage for magnetic attraction.

🌬 Making Mind: Audio Energy Technique: Gain access to CiiCii's secret energy technique that empowers you to take charge of your thoughts and emotions. Say goodbye to negativity, anxiety, and self-sabotage, and welcome a state of clarity and control.

πŸŽ₯ Instructional Videos: Obtain invaluable insights and practical strategies on how to confidently put yourself on the pedestal. Learn to set boundaries, embrace self-love, and release the need for external validation.

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